Phencyclidine - PCP

Phencyclidine PCP


Screening Cut-off: 25 ng/ml
DEA Drug Class: Hallucinogen
Type: Illicit Drug
Street Names: Amp, Angel Dust, Angel Hair, Angel Poke, Animal Tranq, Beam Me Up Scotty, Cadillac, Cj, Crystal Supergrass (PCP Combined With Marijuana), Cyclones, Dank, Dust, Elephant, Elephant Tranq, Embalming Fluid, Flake Hog, Fry, Goon, Haze, Hog, Horse Tranq, Hydro, Illy, Ka-Pow, Ketamine, Killer Joints (PCP Combined With Marijuana), Killer Weed, Kj, Love Boot, Magic Dust, Mist, Oxone, Ozone, PCE, PCP, PCPy, Peace Pill, Rocket Fuel, Scuffle, Sernyl, Sherm, Sherms, Special K, Soma, Squeeze, Star Dust, Super Weed, Surfer, Tac, TCP, Tic, Tranqs, Wack, Whack, Zombie, Zoot

Drug Information

Phencyclidine, also known as PCP or Angel Dust, is a hallucinogen that was first marketed as a surgical anesthetic in the 1950’s. It was removed from the market because patients receiving it became delirious and experienced hallucinations. Phencyclidine is used in powder, capsule, and tablet form. The powder is either snorted or smoked after mixing it with marijuana or vegetable matter. Phencyclidine is most commonly administered by inhalation but can be used intravenously, intra-nasally, and orally. After low doses, the user thinks and acts swiftly and experiences mood swings from euphoria to depression. Self-injurious behavior is one of the devastating effects of Phencyclidine. PCP can be found in urine within 4 to 6 hours after use and will remain in urine for 7 to 14 days, depending on factors such as metabolic rate, user’s age, weight, activity, and diet. Phencyclidine is excreted in the urine as an unchanged drug (4% to 19%) and conjugated metabolites (25% to 30%).

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Drug Classification and Effects Information

  • Classification/Schedule I: Illicit drugs with no medical use; high potential for abuse
  • Physical Dependency: Possible
  • Psychological Dependency: High
  • Tolerance: Yes
  • Possible Effects: Illusions and hallucinations, altered perception of time and distance
  • Effects of Overdose: Unable to direct movement, feel pain, or remember
  • Withdrawal Syndrome: Drug seeking behavior
